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IIRC Symposium

2017 5th International Workshop
on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration
LTB-3D 2017

May 16-18, 2017
The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Japan

May 16-17: General sessions
May 18: General+Student sessions

Sponsored by
191st Committee on Innovative Interface Bonding Technology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Co-Sponsored by
IEEE CPMT Society, Japan Chapter
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Institute for Advanced Microsystem Integration (IMSI)
The Precise Measurement Technology Promotion Foundation (PMTPF)
Ito International Research Center, The University of Tokyo

In Cooperation with
Ito International Research Center Symposium
The University of Tokyo

Summary of the workshop: LTB3D-2017

This workshop will focus on low-temperature bonding technologies which realize novel device structure by heterogeneous material and device integration and lead to entirely new manufacturing approaches to 3D and module integration of semiconductor devices, photonic systems, and power electronic systems. These bonding technologies have been already used for the mass production of micro devices and have potential applications in wide range of manufacturing industries.

The workshop invites papers that document new developments in low-temperature bonding technologies, including surface activated bonding (SAB), new device structures and fabrication processes, facilities and technologies for mass-production, and basic science relating to these technologies. Their impact on the paradigm shift in the semiconductor industry and information technologies along with 3D and heterogeneous integration is also of interest.

Keynote speeches by world-leading researchers will summarize, clarify and share recent technical trends and the basic science of bonding and integration. Similarly to the preceding 1st (2007), 2nd (2010), 3rd (2012), and 4th (2104) workshops, this workshop will be held as a single-track seminar to provide comprehensive information on the latest technologies and applications, as well as business opportunities.

As a new attempt of the workshop from this year, it is my pleasure to extend an invitation to your students to participate in Student Session on the third day. The session is managed by student steering committee members under the supervision of the organizing commitees. The organizing committee will provide a travel scholarship for students from oversees based on their grant application. Students must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or MS/PhD candidate in Spring 2017 to eligible to participate.

Professor Dr. Tadatomo Suga
The Univeristy of Tokyo
191st Committee on Innovative Interface Bonding Technology, JSPS
IEEE CPMT Society, Japan Chapter


Roles of Low-temperature Bonding in 3D & Hetero-Integration
Marketing, 3D Architectures, Efficiency for 3D Integration, Requirements and Impacts for IoT and Big Data

Bonding Technologies for 3D & Hetero-Integration
Wafer-to-Wafer Bonding, Die-to-Wafer Bonding, Cu Hybrid Bonding, Temporary Bonding & De-bonding, Adhesives for Low-Temperature Bonding

Surface Activated Bonding (SAB)
Basic Science in Room-Temperature Bonding, Semiconductor Interface Prepared by SAB, Metal-Metal Direct Bonding, Engineered Substrates, Novel Device Structures by SAB, Opto-Electronic Applications, Silicon Photonics, Optical Sensors, Solid-State Lasers and Optical Components, Bio-medical Device Applications/b>

New Processes for Low-temperature Bonding
Atomic Diffusion Bonding, Vapor-Assisted Surface Activation, Surface Activation by DUV Exposure, Surface Reducing Treatments by Chemicals and/or Reactive Plasma for Metal/Solder Bonding

Hydrophilic & Plasma-assist Bonding and its Applications
Oxide Fusion Bonding, Surface Modification by Plasma Treatments, Wafer-Level Hermetic Bonding, Si Photonics, Hetero-integration of Optoelectronic Systems, Nano-Micro Fluidics Application

Fundamentals of Nano-bonding
Characterization of Surface Profile for Wafer Bonding, Observation of Nano-bonding Interface Structure,

SAB Tools for Volume Production
Ultra-Precise Alignment, Large Diameter Wafer Process, High Producibility

Jpn. J.Appl. Phys.(JJAP) Special Issue:

    Authors of papers that are accepted and presented in LTB-3D 2017 are encouraged to submit their original papers on the significant part of their work presented at the workshop to the Special Issue of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) entitled “Low-temperature bonding for 3D integration”. The review process for the submitted manuscripts shall be managed by the editorial committee of the Special Issue. Note that the submitted manuscripts to the Special Issue shall be reviewed and edited based on the same standards applied for submissions to regular issues of JJAP. The special issue shall be published in February 2018. The deadline for submission is the end of May 2017. Details of manuscript submission shall be announced on LTB-3D website: JJAP website.

Important date:

  • Manuscript Submission Deadline:     March 3rdth, 2017
  • Acceptance/Rejection Notification:  March 24thth, 2017
  • Final Manuscript and Presentation Materials Deadline:       April 10th, 2017
  • Conferenece:             May 16th-18 th, 2017